

Never go alone. A CSE meeting can be very intimidating . It seems like it’s the parents vs the CSE committee when really the parents are part of the committee. The meeting goes quickly with lots of information. It can be very emotional. As an advocate we help you stay calm and understand what is happening at the meeting. We ask questions.

Gathering all the documents and understanding them can be overwhelming for any parent.
We help you know which records are important and read them. Then we go over them with you and make our recommendations. We can also help you get all your records from the district. Interpret reports and evaluations, as well as explain their implications and helping parents understand them.

Parents are equal members of the CSE and can drive the goals.

Often in our busy lives we just gather our child’s important papers in a pile. Organizing them, scanning them and knowing which ones are really important can be overwhelming. You can drop off your papers, and we will organize them and scan them.

Goals are one of the most important parts of the IEP. Needs drive goals drives services. Without complete goals, the services will not be appropriate and there will be a lack of progress. We look at the needs of the student and write appropriate goals that can be submitted to the district. Parents are equal members of the CSE and can drive the goals.

When a parent just knows something is wrong, they can request an evaluation for special education services. School districts often deny these requests (they can’t by law). The process can be daunting and confusing. We support parents through the process and explain the results of the testing. We can also let you know what special services your child qualifies for.

Students who are having a difficult time managing behaviors in school can be very stressful for a parent. We can help you get a FBA — Functional Behavior Assessment. This will also lead to the district creating a BIP ( Behavior Intervention Plan). An FBA identifies your child’s behaviors which are causing problems in the classroom. A BIP sets up a plan to manage and provide skills to the student so they can have a better classroom experience. We can help you request an FBA and help you understand the results.

The Federal and State law granting Independent Evaluations is the least known right to parents. Districts often push back or have policies that are against the law. We write strong IEE letters, advocate and support you during the IEE process.

If a school has violated IDEA or NY state regulations a parent can file a state complaint. We can help you identify if you need to file a complaint and help you write it. We also support you in the process.

There are specific regulations and protections offered to students who are suspended if they have a disability. Never go to these meetings alone.

Psycho- Educational

Pragmatic Language Evaluation

Occupational Therapy Evaluation

Assistive Technology Evaluation

Physical Therapy Evaluation

Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE)

Speech Language Evaluations

Neuropsychological Evaluation

Autism Evaluations

When a child is ineligible Sec. 504 Plans can provide supports and accommodations for your child. We help you understand the options that can be provided under a Sec 504 plan.

Some of the learning differences and struggles we have experience with are:

Reading Disorders such as Dyslexia

Math Disorders Such as Dyscalculia





Emotional Disturbance

Executive Function

Speech Language Disorders

Behavioral Issues

Medical Issues



Mood disorders

Written expression Disorders Such as Dysgraphia

Your Future Starts Here.